Sohan Qadri, var en yogi, poet och bildkonstnär från Indien som levde de sista 40 åren av sitt liv i Köpenhamn. Hans målningar urspringar från tillstånd av djup meditation, och är besjälade av Indiens färger: lysande, färgmättade verk, omsorgsfullt inristade.
Genom sin långa karriär hade Qadri samarbete med en mängd olika kulturpersonligheter, bland andra den surrealistiska målaren René Magritte, Nobelpristagaren Heinrich Böll och arkitekten Le Corbusier.
"I dikterna " The Dot and the dots" ger Sohan Qadri vidare den tantriska traditionen, han utvidgar vårt medvetande genom att placera "the dot" överallt, mellan älskandes läppar, i norrskenet, bland galaxerna, och ändå förblir vi just här.
I am a dot
in the orgastic ecstasy
so spiritual
and so mundane
at once
Men man behöver inte vara invigd i Tantra-traditionens hemligheter för att uppleva Qadris dikter – de kommer att inspirera dig och förmedla sitt universella budskap i vilket fall som helst.”
Swami Janakananda (meditationslärare, yogi och författare)
The truth cast into idea
loses its truth
the mold takes hold
Make me transcend
my time
my space
and break my border
to you
Many thanks indeed for sending us the remarkable book `Wonderstand´ by Sohan Qadri. We are big fans of Sohan´s paintings and now we are big fans of his poetic voice too!
No doubt, Qadri reveals his capacity for presenting themes marked by prophetic and sublime quality conveying an overwhelming interest and deep import to an individual soul…
In all these aphoristic quotations, we notice Qadri’s breadth of intellect. Wonderstand has very high qualities of proverbial expressions written with great precision and clarity.
Sohan Qadri’s eyes are fixed upon the sober enquiry of truth…
... a garland of pearls of wisdom like Rubayat (sufi poetry), a collection of gnomic verse where the world of meaning is pressed in minimum of words. Every piece is commentary on
Life at the abstract plane and gives at the same time an easy understanding of life´s rules
for an ordinary man.
Om Qadri's konst:
Sohan Qadri with his art liberates the word meditation from its fashionable taste and brings it back to its proper origin, uninfluenced by Western propaganda, misunderstandings and corruptions.
There are artists. There are tantriks. There are tantrik artists. As far as I know, there are no tantrik yogis who are artists as well. Sohan Qadri is an exception. He is an exceptional artist.
Sohan Qadri, in a few words, believes in an inner and outer sphere in the life of man. Striving to establish contact with this world within, with one´s true self, he sees as utterly essential for all of us. His art belongs to something of the most refined one can perceive, something which touches "the ultimate secret". We can experience his works directly and with strong presence, and thereafter we can slowly decipher and extract their secrets.